الاثنين، 10 سبتمبر 2012

I have seen today

  • The truth behind Maspero, i mean it physically. i saw a popular (mante2a sha3bya) with a ramshackle buildings. Maspero, the large Downtown Cairo building near Tahrir Square that houses the Egyptian Radio and Television Union (basically, state TV and radio). Maspero hides goats, cattles and chickens. You can smell the feces from a distance. Is that Maspero we know  !, actually it is .

  • While waiting for someone at Maspero square holding a book a Conscript asked me "what is this book about ?", at first i didn`t reply but he insisted so i replied "this book is called "100 years of solitude"* actually it is a political novel talking about the war between liberals and Conservatives", he said "mmm, i'm graduated from an industrial school but i like reading, i read about biology and chemistry as well", so why you didn't enrolled to a secondary school ?, some circumstances but i'm looking forward to find a good job after finishing my period and insha Allah i will read. You knew, i regard my self as "Abbas el Aqqad" he was not educated but he was a scientist. I see the officer reading a book every day, my reading frenzy make me stand behind him hoping to read a bunch of statements to satisfy my passion. Why you can't read a book while standing doing nothing or at your leisure time?, books and newspapers are banned in order to be intellectually controlled easily.   

* The novel contains many many many details than i said, and here is a link to read about it, it is worth reading indeed.

الخميس، 24 مايو 2012

دليل التنين فى نجاح مرسى, أبو الفتوح أو حمدين

بسم الرب الأعلى 

 , إن صح أن نبنى توقعات على النتائج الأوليه للفرز فإن السيناريوهات المحتمله لن تخرج عن هذه السيناريوهات

  1. فوز الدكتور محمد مرسى من الجوله الأولى أى أن نسبته أكبر من أو تساوى 51%, فإن لم يكن...
    1. الدكتور محمد مرسى ضمن الإعاده
    2.  إحتمالات الإعاده لباقى المرشحين بالترتيب أبو الفتوح, حمدين, شفيق, عمرو موسى
    3. إذا أُجريت الإنتخابات بين مرسى و
      1. أبو الفتوح  أو حمدين  ... ستؤول أغلبيه أصوات غير الإسلاميين الى أبو الفتوح أو حمدين و بالتالى سيفوز أبو الفتوح أو  حمدين 
      2.  شفيق أو عمرو موسى ... ستؤول أغلبيه أصوات غير الفلول الى مرسى و بالتالى سيفوز مرسى
فى جميع الأحوال إن صحت هذه السيناريوهات فلنهنىْ أنفسنا بنجاح الثوره

و السلام